Our Products

Renowned for their unparalleled quality and impeccable taste, our products allow you to create offerings that will impress even the most discerning clients. Explore our range now and discover the advantages of partnering with us!


Sweet Cream Butter

Our sweet cream butter ensures quality and customer satisfaction, enhancing the appeal of your business.


Skimmed Milk Powder

Skimmed milk powder is a natural product with numerous benefits. It is made from high-quality fresh milk by removing water and fat, leaving only the beneficial components. Our skimmed milk powder is an excellent choice for those seeking healthy and high-quality dairy products.


WHEY POWDER demineralized40 %, 50%, 70%, 90%

Сироватка суха молочна є цінним молочним компонентом, який знаходить широке застосування у харчовій промисловості. Отримана в результаті виробництва творогу чи сиру, вона містить різноманітний комплекс корисних речовин, таких як білки, вітаміни та мінерали.


Anhydrous Milk Fat

We offer high-quality dehydrated milk fat, which serves as a key component for creating unique dairy products. Obtained from natural milk using advanced technologies, our product ensures exceptional quality and impeccable purity.


Cream powder

Our company offers high-quality cream powder, which will be an essential ingredient for creating exquisite dairy products. This product arises from careful selection of natural components and the application of advanced production technologies.


Whole milk powder

Discover the unparalleled taste of natural freshness with our whole milk powder. Our product is a true combination of quality and naturalness, offering you the tastiest milk without enrichments. Carefully collected drop by drop, it impresses with its natural purity and unique freshness.